Sustainability at Mosa Meat

According to a recent Life Cycle Analysis study, cultivated beef will reduce climate impact by 92% when compared with conventional beef, in addition to emitting 93% less air pollution, and using 95% less land and 78% less water. 

Combating climate change and the negative externalities of our current food system is what drives us to develop cultivated meat. However, we are also committed to producing it in the most sustainable way.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our work aligns closely with the following Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation (9.5)

  • We are designing, innovating and creating the technology, processes and equipment to enable large-scale cultured meat production

  • We are innovating the science to make cultivated meat a reality

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.8)

  • We are working to bring a product to market that will have a significantly lower environmental footprint than its current equivalent. Once upscaled and optimised, cultivated meat will also allow more efficient meat production than what is currently available

  • We are currently mapping our emissions and environmental footprint along our supply chain, and contributing to studies that estimate the impact of cultivated meat. Creating cultivated meat in a sterile environment reduces the risk of food-borne diseases that pose risks to human health. Cultivated meat happens in a closed system (allowing for more controlled management of waste). Cultivated meat is also projected to need much less feed overall, reducing the use of chemicals and other pesticides

  • In creating our processes for large scale production, we are conscious of our waste and will optimise production as far as possible. We are mapping our environmental footprint and setting goals and targets to reduce our footprint. Where possible, secondary product and waste streams will be explored. Furthermore, we are researching how we can use waste streams from other industries as input for our cells—helping to create a more circular production system

  • We are developing sustainability KPIs which we will report against at least annually, and are pursuing sustainability and social responsibility independent certifications

  • We are committed to transparency in our communications and processes, including contributing to cultivated meat studies and participating in conferences and public events

SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (13.3)

  • We are communicating how traditional meat production contributes to climate change and working to provide cultivated meat as an alternative and partial solution

  • We are currently investigating using, and generating our own, renewable energy for production

SDG 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss (15.5)

  • Cultured meat can provide meat without the significant land use needs and consequent deforestation, which not only reduces biodiversity losses but can provide habitat that could be restored and rewilded

More updates on our sustainability strategy and key progress indicators are forthcoming.