Making the perfect burger: the Maillard reaction

How do you make the perfect burger? It turns out there’s science behind this art. The most widely practiced chemical reaction in the world, one which takes place in kitchens everywhere, also helps check all our sensory boxes.

When cooking meat, natural amino acids and carbohydrates combine in what is called the Maillard reaction. A temperature between 140° and 165° C, along with the presence of air and the optimal cooking time, create the perfect conditions for these acids and sugars to combine and reduce. This gives meat its distinctive browned and charred appearance. 

The sizzling, browning and charring also create a mouth-watering scent as the products of the Maillard reaction interact with the fatty acids in meat. According to research, this scent contributes to over 90% of meat’s flavor.

The Maillard reaction was first reported 100 years ago by the French chemist Louis-Camille Maillard.

The Maillard reaction was first reported 100 years ago by the French chemist Louis-Camille Maillard.

Our founders Mark and Peter shared the world’s first cultivated meat product with the world in 2013—a beef burger made of muscle fibers. This proved the science behind cultivated meat was possible, but the product wasn’t yet perfected.

Since then, our team got to work making beef fat from cells as well. This fat is combined with muscle to make the delicious aroma and flavor you know and love.

Stay tuned for an update about how our Fat Team is working hard to make Mosa burgers taste delicious, with the help of the Maillard reaction!

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Milestone: Over 65x reduction in our fat medium cost


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