Our latest taste test

The Mosa kitchen has been buzzing with excitement this week as we conducted a taste test of our latest, sizzling cultured fat.


Fat is a vital part of the taste and texture of meat. For this tasting, the team compared our cultured fat to livestock fat in a blind taste test.

Each fat was cooked and tried on its own as well as being mixed with a lean meat to make a small slider.

The first step was to fry them up and see how the textures compared in the pan. The Head of our Adipose Tissue Team, Laura was in charge of this process.  Laura reports that the cultured fat cooked well.

Then it was tasting time. Josh, our Head of Stemness was the eager taste-tester. 

The team held their breath as Josh tried the fats on their own and as the sliders. 

After multiple tries of both Josh said, “I have no idea which is which”.  


This is a great result! Josh couldn’t tell the difference between livestock and cultured fat and we are extremely excited about this development.


That’s a wrap!


An exciting new phase for Mosa Meat